From the very beginning God lovingly interacted with mankind. Even when people turned away from Him, God kept urging them back to Himself and promised them a Savior. And He commissioned faithful people to write down His promise-filled message for all future generations. At the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, He commanded His followers to spread to all people the good news of forgiveness, life and salvation He had earned for them. Though Jesus is not visibly present today, He is active. He comes to people through the faithful ministry of His followers (His “Church”). They proclaim His message of salvation and they share His saving gifts. We all need these! And we need the comfort, prayer support, and encouragement of other believers — because so many things are constantly trying to steer us away from God’s truth and His promises; which alone bring rest to our souls.
But different churches teach different things and interpret the Bible in different ways. Here are some questions to ask as you seek a good local church (a community of Jesus followers):
1) Do they turn to God’s Word for the answers to all spiritual questions – even when it has tough things to say to us sinners?
2) Are they firm about what God has said is right and wrong?
3) Do they emphasize Jesus’ sacrificial death and victorious resurrection as the foundation for salvation?
4) Do they teach that I can rest in and find assurance of salvation only in what Jesus has done for me, OR do they emphasize as the basis for assurance: my decision, my commitment, or my growth in doing good? – Trusting “my” anything eventually leads to pretense or despair.
5) Does their worship emphasize God coming to me in His Word and life-giving gifts, Or does it place undue emphasis on the worshipers and seem to focus on invoking emotions (which are no foundation for Christian faith).
In summary, does this church teach a “Jesus-only” way of looking at how God graciously and lovingly saves and sustains us?
There truly are faith-filled churches that will help you – your whole life through – to stay focused on all that Jesus Christ did for you, rather than on man-made philosophies or on yourself. May God give you wisdom as you seek a place where you can grow in the grace and knowledge of our beautiful Savior. If you’d like more clarification or help in finding a good church near you, feel free to contact us.